We hope everyone is having a good start to the 2015 - even tho the weather has been pretty darn cold. Just a quick reminder that Jan is all ready to receive your membership dues for this year - still only $12. The Membership Form is on this website as well as over at Michigan Gourds group on Yahoo - or you can just shoot her a note with your check. The address is MGS Membership, 4541 Petosky Drive, WIlliamston MI 46904.
Tammy is getting a newsletter ready to go out before the end of this month so be on the lookout for that in your email!
Hopefully February will be a month where people can safely travel on the hiways to get together to play with gourds and to plan for events etc for the rest of the year.
Keep warm and safe!
Tammy is getting a newsletter ready to go out before the end of this month so be on the lookout for that in your email!
Hopefully February will be a month where people can safely travel on the hiways to get together to play with gourds and to plan for events etc for the rest of the year.
Keep warm and safe!